Thursday, 26 January 2012

Blah, Blah, Blah.

One of my New Year Resolutions was: Blog more, blog better. Just blog, blog, blog! As proven this month i am terrible at keeping to resolutions - i don't know why i make them every year.

Making 'resolutions' every year doesn't work for most people, and they don't work for me. I think its better to make targets and goals every month or so. So that's what i'm going to do. I'm not going to get to annoyed if i don't fulfill my target i'm just going to try my best because after all things happen in life you don't expect and if you make a set resolution' you think you 'need' to stick to, it'll only make you feel worse when you don't.

One goal for next month is to definitely plan my blog posts more and try to get more done. I have a day off college every thursday so i will try to blog on my free day and weekends.
I'm always trying to eat healthily and stick to my weekly pole fitness sessions to try and tone up my body to make me feel better. So i'm definitely going to try and stick to that but not deny myself of treats (Terry's Chocolate Orange - my favourite).

So stay happy, keep smiling and expect more blog posts from me. Feel free to leave post suggestions.

Nadia xoxo


  1. I love these resolutions, very similar to my own, im trying to blog more as well, I just want to make sure all my blog posts are the best they can be (I dont want any forced posts!) and i never wanna stop having fun with my blog :)

    1. *fingers crossed* we'll stick too them then! oh definitely not, i agree!


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