Friday, 30 March 2012

Pink pleats, Skull top & Battered Converse.

 Not done an outfit post in a while, mainly because i'm always in a rush, but on wednesday i had plenty of time to whip my camera and tripod out before i went to this lovely place called college ;) This is just a good idea of what i wear to college - casual and comfy! Now the weather is pretty warm (or so it was) in england - skirts and tights are definitely my new best friends ;) Need to take a trip to Primark and stock up on many pairs of patterned tights...

Top - River Island
Skirt - H&M 
Tights - Primark
Shoes - Converse 

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Sheer shirts, denim shorts and sunny days!

If you live in the UK you'll probably know we've had a bit of a heat wave (compared to the usual British weather anyway) and it's rather hot and sunny! I'm not complaining it's just how i like it - why can't it be like this all year?! So making the most of this beautiful weather, me and my boyfriend just sat cosily on a field chatting and cuddling and this is what i wore...  casual yet perfect for the sunny weather...

I have to take a cardigan or jacket out - always! It's my safety blanket, just in case, you never know with the British weather! A good cardigan always comes in handy ;)

I also wore a LOT less makeup (just a tiny bit of concealer and foundation and mascara of course) in the hope my face would get a bit of a tan - no luck so far though unfortunately!

Excuse my poorly finger :( It's look horrid but i need it out to heal asap!

Shirt - Primark
Cardigan - Newlook
Shorts - Topshop (love these things - well worth the pricetag!)
Dolly ballet pumps - Miss Selfridge 
Bag - Marc B @ Toppshop
Necklace & Cross ring -
Bracelets - Afflecks palace (jesus/religious bracelet), Topshop (brown beads) and Juicy Couture perfume bottle (blue tassle)

Friday, 23 March 2012

All About Nails - Mulberry Pie

'All about nails' are a range of nail polishes available from Tesco and the best part is... they cost £1 each - yes you read that correctly, a 7ml nail polish for a mere £1!!!!

Now my first encounter of these was in college, when my friend had some in her bag -she had the most amazing hot pink, which i painted my nails with and instantly fell in love with! I practically ran to Tesco (ok, maybe a little bit too dramatic) desperately wanting that colour. Unfortunately they did not have that colour :'( but i came out with 4 others...

(expect to see posts about the other polishes..)

Colour: As you can see this polish is a lovely mauve, dusky pink. To me - perfect for the spring time! It's also super flattering, classy and grown up yet completely on trend. 

Consistency: I find this nail polish applies really easily - not too thick or too thin. It is highly pigmented and creates an opaque, glossy finish in just two coats. You could probably get away with one thicker coat if you were in a hurry.. 
It applies so evenly, no streaks just a solid block of colour.

Length of wear: I was SO surprised with this polish - it's like armour - it just does not chip. Most nail polishes i wear chip within 24 hours - did this? No. It had minor chipping after about 48-72hours (two/three days) which is a miracle considering the OPI nail polish didn't even last that long. And even when i painted over to fill in a chip it applied completely full and evenly; you couldn't even tell i had 'topped it up'. 
I took this off after wearing it for 4 days and it came off with ease!

I can't stop going on about how much i love this polish, it is honestly perfect to me (well, near enough). I love the colour, consistency and the fact is lasts longer than any other nail polish i have ever tried! 
I haven't tried the other colours yet but i can't wait to do so and i will be sure to update you on them too ;) 

So if you see these in your local Tesco i would honestly recommend you pick one up - for £1 they are 'cheap as chips' and you won't regret it!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Other ways to follow me..

After recently hearing about Google Friend Connect not being available for non-blogger websites i thought i'd let you know other ways to follow me and keep updated with my blog. Also these are just really good websites for 'social networking' for your blog and signing up to yourself:

The first website (my favourite) is - i love this website for following blogs it is so easy to navigate, my posts appear simultaneously and i can send a 'message' to all my followers on there. You can connect with hellocotton via your facebook account or by signing up. I do recommend you sign your blog up yourself! I check it everyday, you can discover new blogs so easily it really is great. So check the website out and follow my blog :)

Another website which i'm sure everyone knows about - i have only just recently (in other words - today) figured out how to get my posts to appear on this website, i don't understand rss feeds and all that stuff. So now i have finally done it (yaay) go follow me and all your other favourite blogs because most blogs are signed up to bloglovin'. You can easily see all the blogs your following down the side, you can like posts and see popular blogs too - easy peasy! 

I am also a member of  - which is a site where you can follow and make friends with bloggers and also discover blogs by 'popular' 'recent' and 'country'. You can also talk about different topics. It is really great for discovering new blogs and making friends with bloggers that are different from you and maybe blog about technology or food. I don't love this website but i do check it regualrly :D

I'm sure everyone is familiar with - you simply follow whoever you like (providing they have signed up of coure) and their 'tweets' will be on your timeline. You can 're-tweet' tweets and 'mention' people and also direct message them. So follow me here:!/peaceofclothing where i tweet all sorts and you can keep up to date with my latest posts (i tweet about them) and see what i am up too.

You can also follow me on instagram, which is only available for iphone/ipod touch users (download from the appstore) where i just post pictures about upcoming posts, recent purchases and my life in general really. My username is - nadiaa_xo

So, i don't think i have missed any websites out - if i have or join any more i will update this post! Follow me on any of these and i will check yours out too and most likely follow back!
Thankyou for all your support <3

Monday, 19 March 2012

OPI - Nicki Minaj - Super Bass Shatter!

I'll start off by explaining why the nail polish on these pictures is soooo chipped. 
I painted my nails one night planning to take the pictures in the daylight the next morning. I awoke in the morning to find it all chipped and as the day went on more and more came off. Not exactly what i expected from an OPI nail varnish retailing at £10.50!! My first impressions = not so good. 

I painted all my nails with a base coat, then applied two coats of Nicki Minaj Super Bass shatter all over my nails (except the ring fingers). On the ring fingers i applied Nicki Minaj Did it on em' (two coats) with a coat of Super Bass chatter over. Then set them all with a layer of topcoat.

So the point of this post? A kinda review and to show the colours in case any of you are considering

Colour: A lovely berry purple that in the light shines different pink and purple tones and also has a slight shimmer. 
Consistency: My first encounter with OPI nail polishes and i find them to be extremely thin and watery, really you need three thin layers to create a full, opaque coverage or two thicker layers i guess are fine if your in a rush or can't be bothered. 
Length of wear: Overnight whilst i was sleeping chips seemed to have occurred - i don't know how! And after a few hours of me being up they looked as they do on the pictures. The 'proper' nail varnish (Did it on em') did last a bit longer than the shatter but still, they didn't last very long at all which is quite disappointing considering the price, as i own £1 nail varnishes that last longer!

So overall, i'm going to keep trying these polishes out see if my opinion changes. But so far, i have to say i am disappointed with my first encounter with OPI nail varnishes! 

I bought the Nicki Minaj mini set from ASOS for £18 - you get four mini's (Did it on em', Metallic 4 life, Fly, Pink Friday) and a full sized shatter (Super Bass).

What do you think? Is there too much 'hype' around these varnishes? And what do you think of the colours? 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Revlon Colourstay - here to stay?

A foundation that until not long ago was buried deep in my stash but... has now been uncovered, re-tried, tested and is now firmly planted on my dressing table.

I bought this a long while ago, used it for a short amount of time then brushed it away when a new foundation came along. I have a box of all my 'stashed/unused' makeup (as we all probably do) and recently decided i would give it another go. See if my thoughts have changed and i'm quite convinced they have..

Packaging: As you can see above the foundation is bottled in a rounded, sturdy, glass bottle. Not exactly pretty but it's good enough. The bottle is taller and more slim which i prefer as it can easily be put it in your makeup bag to take out and as long as the lid is on tight i am confident it will not leak. One problem i have with this is: NO PUMP! You just have to pour it on your hand and hope for the best. It contains an average amount of liquid (30ml -same as Mac or Estee Lauder) so it is good value for money!

Colour: I have 'Natural Tan' second darkest from the normal/dry shades. The colour is slightly too dark for me in the winter (oops) as i am definitely a lot paler - but i love the fact it blends into my skin and kind of works with my skin to not look dark or fake. It still looks natural and makes me look like i have a healthy tan! Too me this foundation looks as if it has small (tiny) particles of like shimmer - not obvious atall, this just makes your skin look 'glowy' and dewy and looks gorgeous where the light hits. Cannot fault the colour atall. So natural. Oh so make sure you swatch this foundation before to get the right undertone (some are pink and some are more yellow).

Foundation poured on arm (next to my burn scar)
Blended and spread across my whole arm.
Consistency: It is quite a thick foundation which means it does need a lot of blending and you can definitely feel it on the skin (it is not super heavy but not light either). But once you have mastered the application for this foundation you will find it quick and easy to apply. 
I apply it with my Sigma F80 Flat Top Kabuki with a spray of Mac Fix+. A spray of water or fix+ etc. just helps it blend so much easier and i wouldn't use this foundation with a spritz of something 'watery'. As i say it does need lots of blending but the results i'd say are worth it. You don't need a lot so be careful, i have accidentally applied too much and looked like i'm wearing a thick mask (not good) so build it up in small, thin layers and you can achieve a nice medium-full coverage.

Picture of me wearing it!
Length of wear: I've heard lots about this being good for combination/oily skin and lasting ages which i  didn't find the first time i used it. Now, i do find it lasts a good 5hours with no primer or powder and it does last longer set with powder.  Also it does depend on which moisturiser i use (sounds silly) but when i use a more thicker,moisturising cream this foundation (and others) tend to slip off my t-zone! So oily skinned girls - lay off the moisturiser a bit when using this!

Now you're probably wondering why i bought the normal/dry skin formula when my skin is far from it! After reading copious amounts of reviews most people seemed to agree this formula was better for oiler skin - i don't know why but apparently it was! So i listened to the beauty community and went for this formula - pretty glad i did too.

Overall, i do like this foundation for daily use (college, shopping, errands) and save my Estee Lauder Double Wear for more special occasions. For £12.49 it is a 'medium' priced foundation and for everyday use or a cheaper 'back up' foundation it will be well worth those pennies!

So yes - it is here to stay!! What do you think of this foundation?

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Muji Scented Candles!

Muji Scented Candles - 'White Meadow Flowers' & 'Caramel and Roasted Almonds' - Muji store or Muji concession in Selfridges - £3

After sniffing every Muji candle i settled with 'White Meadow Flowers' a fresh, bright, natural-like scent which i couldn't get enough of  - iwas my first ever Muji candle and it has now unfortunately been discontinued :'(    why Muji why?! 

Despite my sadness, from the new scents i found this one (below).

A delicious, caramel (obviously), sweet scent. It is strong yet not overpowering and adds a nice warm scent and glow to the room. Perfect for the transition from winter to spring. And if your a caramel lover - i'm certain you will be a fan of this! 
So if you see this candle whilst out shopping, have a sniff and you'll probably understand just why i love it. It's a bargain for just £3 and it does last a fair while (approx. 18hrs it says on the tin).
I am personally not a fan of the other scents this was the only one i couldn't resist.

So, if you love scented candles go check these out. For £3, strong scents in a sturdy 'industrial' looking case - you can't really go wrong!

P.S. i love how the pictures on the label match the name!

Quick update and why i can't blog! :o

So if anyone follows this blog on twitter (@peaceofclothing) you will know why i am unable to blog for the next week or so.
Basically i am typing this off a computer telly/touchscreen in a hospital room awaiting surgery.

Cut the story short - very short - i went out with the girls saturday night to  a club, due to a band setting up upstairs we all had to wait downstairs. A security guard opened the door so i moved towards it, next thing i know, the door is slammed shut and my finger is stuck. Somehow i get it out and push through and show him the trapped finger. A paramedic then checks it out and confirms i must go to a&e immediately.

And now.. i am waiting for plastic surgeon to operate (tomorrow hopefully). The tip of my right middle finger (writing hand) is fractured and sliced either side so it is quite loose. I need some bone removing (my nail will have to be removed too) and it all needs patching up. So, i may loose a bit of length off my finger and my nail may never grow the same.
But i am lucky for the care i am/have recieved from the hospital and my friends, family and boyfriend!

In no means do i want or expect sympathy; i just thought i should let my folowers know why blogging will unfortunately be taking a backseat for a while. Trying to do everything with my left hand aint easy and i have coursework and college work to do which obviously comes first!

Big thankyou to everyone who follows me - i will still be keeping updated on your blogs promise!

UPDATE: I'm home, i've had surgery (my finger has not been shortened yaay) i'm missing blogging and going to try and get a post up soon!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Topshop Nail Varnish in 'Gypsy Night'..

 Topshop 'Gypsy Night' a black base with an array of bronze and metal-like shimmers. A bit like a starry night.
A perfect twist if your a lover of black polishes, like myself, it looks amazing day and night and pretty much goes with anything.

I have been lusting after this since November, yes a whole 3 months and finally this month i walked into Topshop and spotted it - safe to say i ran straight to the cashier! 

As you can see from the pictures below it does require three thin layers to achieve a full opaque finish. But i think twice would do if worse came to worse. 

I do use a base coat to ensure it doesn't stain my nails and make them go yellow (not a good look) and normally set it with a top coat. Although it isn't necessary as the glitter/shimmer is not gritty atall - in fact the polish apples completely smooth and easily! 

I am in absolute love with this nail polish and highly reccomend you try this out if you like dark or 'jazzy' glittery polishes! 
Two Coats
Three Coats
Three Coats

 So, for smart yet shimmery party perfect nails wear Topshop's Gypsy Night - just like i am as i type! I promise you won't regret it. So unique. A nice way of jazzing up a boring old black polish!

Friday, 2 March 2012

February Favourites!

 Not a huge array of products this month. I tend to stick to same products as i know they work for me! This month has been all about the eyes... 

Sudocrem,  Max Factor False Lash Effect Fusion, Topshop Nailvarnish, Duo Eyelash Glue, Muji Eyebrow Brush, Rimmel Eyebrow Pencil.

Sudocrem (available from most drugstores/supermarkets/chemists) - I have recently rediscovered this product as my skin has been a bit unruly recently. This is great for getting rid of pesky spots and also moistures the skin. I apply this quite thickly to the spots and lightly on the rest of my face before i go to be and leave it to soak in over night! (full post to come).

Topshop Nailvarnish in 'Gypsy Night' (from Topshop) - A colour i have been lusting after since November. I have finally got my hands on it and i absolutely love it! A black polish with multicoloured glitter. This has been on my nails since i bought it..

Rimmel Eyebrow Pencil in 'Black Brown' (available from mose drugstores/Rimmel stockists/Asos) - You can see how much i have used this by the size. The perfect colour for my brows, it is easy to use and helps to keep brows in place. Has enough pigmentation to fill them in naturally or you can build it up to a strong finish.

Muji Eyebrow Brush (available from Muji shops/Selfridges that stock Muji) - This brush is amazing for combing brows and keeping them looking nice. Unlike other eyebrow brushes i have used this keeps it's shape so well and it is a nice small brush perfect for taking out.

Maxfactor False Lash Effect Fusion Mascara in 'Black' (available from most drugstores/Maxfactor website) - Love this mascara: the formula, colour, length and volume it gives, the brush and it lasts all day! Never tend to try new mascara's but so glad i received this for my birthday perfect for luscious lashes in a short amount of time! (full review to come).

Duo Adhesive 'Dark tone' (i bought from ebay) - I have been going out alot so wearing false eyelashes and this glue keeps them on all night! They do not budge which is what you need, so it has been a life saver this month!

So these are my favourites of February! I hope you liked this post, what are you're February favourites?
If you would like more information about any of these products don't be afraid to ask :) 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Natural Collection Moisture Shine Lipstick - Rose Bud!

Natural Collection Moisture Shine Lipstick - 'Rose Bud' - Boots (not available online) - £1.99

There are a few other shades in this collection about 5/6 if i remember correctly. So i'm sure everyone can find a colour they like!

Packaging: As you can see from the picture above, the lipstick is contained in a white plastic circular tube with the Natural Collection logo printed. It is very light and does feel quite cheap but what can you expect for £1.99! For the price overall i think the packaging is good and i love the colour white so it suits me...

Without Flash - Natural Lighting.

With Flash.

Colour: From the lip swatches you can tell this lipstick is bright, mid-toned pink. It is such a nice 'doll like' pink yet it isn't in your face bright it is still very suitable for day time use! It just gives your lips a nice, glossy (not glossy like you have lipstick on - just 'shiny' as the name suggests) hint of pink! It looks very healthy and adds a nice pop of colour to your makeup without being too dramatic - for this reason i think it is suitable for both day and night. I also think this will suit both light and dark skintones.

Consistency - As the name suggest it looks, applies and feels pretty moisturising and adds a nice light reflecting shine to the lips! I prefer lipstick textures like this than matt just because they make your lips look much more plump and healthy (personal opinion). The lipstick applies opaque in probably 2 layers if you want it more bright or 1 if you'd like it a little less obvious.

Length of Wear - I'd day this lasted 2hours without eating/drinking and obviously less if you do eat/drink. But, because of the consistency it is expectable that is will last less time than say a matte lipstick would. Never the less for the price it is very affordable so i didn't worry too much about re-applying.

Overall it isn't the best lipstick in the world but for £2 it is definitely brilliant for in the day time at college or if your just popping out as it's a beautiful, flattering colour and makes my lips look so healthy! So i'd recommend you try it if your looking for a cheap lipstick for everyday use when you're just nipping out and don't mind reapplying every few hours!

p.s - a few days after taking these pictures the lipstick actually broke so i fixed it and put it in the fridge to set and it has somehow got lost. i don't know how.. it's a bit of a mystery..